Wednesday 20 July 2022

What facial thread lifts can do for your facial skin

July 20, 2022 0
What facial thread lifts can do for your facial skin

Aesthetic medicine increasingly offers more treatment alternatives that respond to the needs of patients without resorting to surgery. And one of them is the tensor threads that are presented as the least invasive option for lifting to restore firmness and tone to the face.


In aesthetic medicine consultations, people ask about less invasive techniques than facelifts, such as thread lifts, to achieve the same effect but without surgery. And it is that with this technique, two changes are achieved, facial rejuvenation and a regenerating effect because of these act as stimulants of the natural production of collagen. Even these threads are absorbable and do not generate rejection because the material with which they are made is biocompatible with dermal tissues.


What are the tension threads?

Thread lifts have become one of the treatments that aesthetic medicine has to combat facial flaccidity. As Dr. Beatriz Estébanez, an aesthetic doctor at the Clínica Menorca, assures, "they are placed with their cannula and applied to the face, they are sterilized and very safe and, as they have spicules, they produce that tensor effect when pulled". The "we achieve a kind of facelift, not comparable with the surgical facelift, but with an unbeatable result of repositioning the facial mass in such a way that the patient fundamentally recovers the lower third of the face and improves the neck" clarifies the doctor.


In addition, it must also be taken into account that what the spiculated threads are going to do, once introduced into the skin, is a collagen stimulation with which the improvement of the skin is also noticeable. And about two months after their introduction, "the threads dissolve and disappear completely through the body's natural elimination pathways without creating any problems and the effect lasts an average of 10 months."


Tensor threads: for whom?

Thread lift treatment is indicated for those who want to treat signs related to the passage of time, which are reflected in the loss of the facial oval and the lack of volume in the face. This treatment achieves greater firmness in the face.


What types of tension threads are there?

We asked the experts at the Dorsia clinics, who assure us that there are three different types of thread lift treatments depending on the objective we want to achieve.


-Lift Skin threads: especially indicated for those patients who have never undergone any similar medical-aesthetic treatment. There are different options depending on the part of the face that you want to rejuvenate. "To improve the appearance of the eye and lip contour, twelve threads that lift the eyebrow and eliminate the bar code. To treat the neck, face, and décolletage, thirty threads improve flaccidity and fight against gravity.


In all of them, two sessions are carried out, one in which the tensor threads are implanted and another later in which silicon is infiltrated, an active regenerator of the skin with powerful benefits", the experts at the Dorsia clinics assure us.


-Silhouette Soft Threads: Combat flaccidity and wrinkles of the cheeks and jaw. And they have the approval of the FDA, which means that behind the product there are clinical studies that confirm its efficacy and safety. With this thread lift treatment, there is total reabsorption of the sutures after a while and there is no fibrosis. In the case of this type of Silhouette Soft, it is its cones that adapt to the patient's fat. Because in the case of conventional PDO threads, their spicules are fixed and the patient may feel pain for several days.


Are the tensor threads suitable for all skins?

Dr. Carmen Ayestarán assures us that "there are skin types and physiognomies in which the threads could become transparent, become evident to the touch or remain unnatural. It is true that there are sutures such as Silhouette Soft that have marked a before and after due to their special characteristics, and that have nothing to do with the predecessors and offer good results, but it is important to make it clear who the ideal patients are" he clarifies.


According to the doctor, the ideal patients to have thread lifts would be those "with good bone projection because the results are more natural, or skin with sufficient subcutaneous cellular tissue to prevent the cones from being seen when palpated, although it must be remembered that in In the case of Silhouette Soft, these are perfectly integrated into the patient's tissue and fat, and in the case of very marked nasolabial folds and bitterness folds, their integration is made as easy as possible and the results are excellent".


For who would the tensor threads not be recommended?

Dr. Carmen Ayestarán explains that tension threads would not be recommended "in excessively thin skin because there may be a risk that the sutures will be noticed, either visibly or to the touch, faces with fibrosis as a result of having undergone permanent filler treatments in the past, skin with high sun damage and excessively photoaged because the sutures may not integrate well and patients with very marked and deep wrinkles in the areas where the threads are to be inserted. In these cases, it is necessary to know that the wrinkle does not get better".

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