Sunday, 31 July 2022

Split ends! Or, what is the same, the nightmare for 90% of hair? And it is that neither celebrities, nor influencers, nor models, nor the next-door neighbor is spared! It is simply a matter of hair age and infinite external aggressions to which we subject our hair daily: heat tools, sun, swimming pool...
To say goodbye to split ends, the most efficient thing to do is go regularly to your beauty salon and have the last centimeters of your beloved hair cleaned up. Now, we are very aware that for many of you it is an SOS! capital letter, so let's draw a thick veil and focus on prevention, take note of the following tips!
1. Arm yourself with patience for brushing!
Tattoo yourself on fire the following: "Brushing should always be done from bottom to top." Very simple, start by untangling the knots at the ends and gradually go up. Do it with love and a lot of patience, this way you will prevent your hair from breaking. oh! And much better with a wide-toothed comb or a professional finishing brush. Another tip! Never do it on wet hair, because as it weighs more it is more likely to break. Shall we continue?
2. The washing ritual, with an extra delicacy
As we have mentioned, hair is much more fragile when it is wet. Therefore, it is important that you give it the time it deserves and washes it gently. Why don't you take the opportunity to treat yourself and lightly massage your scalp with your fingertips? Also, it would be great if you could also detangle your hair just before washing it, except for curly hair which, in this sense, is a world apart! In this sense, they must arm themselves even more with patience!
Every once in a while, try applying a conditioner from mid-lengths to ends half an hour before you shower. Why? Because it will seal the strand and prevent possible breakage. Obviously, this product does not replace the conditioner that you must use during washing (it can also be without rinsing), which will strengthen the ends of your hair. And finally, although it may sound a bit strange to you, it is advisable to always shower with water in favor of hair growth. And ready!
3. Limit the use of heat tools
This tip is something that we know you knew, but that you would like not to know. But yes dear friend, we should use the hair dryer and the hair straightener much less than we do. In an ideal world, this would be one of the best tips to prevent the dreaded split ends from appearing in loops. Now, if a higher force prevents you, you can always use products that protect hair from the damaging effects of heat, for example, our Batiste Damage Control dry shampoo or even those special in combating natural frizz, such as Batiste De-Frizz. Watch out! Because they will surely become your must-have from the moment you try them 😉
Finally, keep in mind that when you apply the dryer it is vital that you do not always point towards the ends, to avoid burning them. Also, choose the lowest temperature possible, even though you may have to spend more time drying it. Once again, patience my friend.
4. Beware of friendly hairstyles with split ends!
Yes, you read #BatisteLover correctly. There are hairstyles that promote the appearance of split ends. An example? The pigtails. See that we love them, but it is better that you do not throw them away every day. And when you do them, avoid rubber bands or metal headbands that will pull out your hair when you take your ponytail out. We all know what we're talking about, right? In this sense, get inspired by new hairstyles with all the possibilities offered by the top hair accessories of the moment! Because taking care of your hair and being up-to-date are perfectly compatible! And if not, blow to the wind and #WOW!
5. Split ends go on vacation with you!
That said, split ends love the summer sun, sea salt and chlorine in swimming pools, and the wind... because they weaken our hair health, degrade the natural keratin of our hair, and, therefore, make it much more sensitive and brittle in summer. So the first ones to suffer are the ends, which is why you should protect your hair with nourishing masks or other specific protective/repairing products.
oh! And most importantly, give your hair dryer or hair straightener a vacation, and let it dry in the wind, you will see that if you take care of it as required in these most critical months, it will recover its shiny and healthy appearance. On the contrary, if one day you need to get the best out of your hair and you want to use the dryer or the iron, do not forget that you must apply a protective thermal product. Now all that remains is to go out and enjoy the summer!
6. How to repair split ends if they still appear
The most effective and even if you prefer to ignore it in your mind is the snip. Our advice is that you regularly go to your trusted hairdresser to have your hair cleaned up. Likewise, you should get used to taking care of your hair regularly with beauty routines whose main objective is the hydration of your hair. Thus, there are many products that hydrate your hair in-depth and help seal split ends, such as: repairing serums and multifunction oils to apply at the end of the hairstyle, nourishing masks for hair damaged by the effects of the sun, and a thousand other aggressions, shampoos, and conditioners with proteins (ideal for fine and sensitive hair), which reinforce the structure of the stem so that it does not open, among others. And finally, different products that protect from the damaging effect of heat, whether natural or artificial, like our Batiste Damage Control dry shampoo, or that fight against frizz, like Batiste De-Frizz. Have you already tried them?
Tip Batiste!
To keep your hair healthy and therefore have strong hair and prevent split ends, it is crucial that you follow a healthy lifestyle. The theory is very simple, but the practice is also if you have a little willpower, it really is worth it, come on! So, it's time to bet on a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and run away from bad habits! And it will only be left to tell yourself, ole me!